Return of the node !

Update: The ‘powers that be’ do not wish to receive any more applications for NOV’s at this time as they are overladen with paid work and so can’t find time to complete amateur related work. As soon as they have cleared their massive backlog, we’ll apply for a new license for the node. 

A new radio has been purchased and a new interface is being made up for MB7IMB Echolink node as we speak. The node has suffered from several radio failures, pc problems, internet access issues, audio clipping, it caused TVi and even a fetish from the local mic keyer!! 

We know the node has been missed by quite a few and the good news is that it will soon be back better than before. The issues have been addressed and it has been requested by several people that we impliment a PIN code access system to keep mic keyers and IQZero’s at bay, perhaps you could let us have your thoughts on that point by email.