The current foundation course drew to a close this evening with both candidates ready for their exams next week, more on that after the event! It was a productive meeting, measurements were taken for the proposed loop aerial and the good news is that a full size will fit. We decided on location, feed point, height and orientation, so hopefully it will be built and installed over the next two weeks.
Now the Icom 910X is back with us, we will be entering the RSGB 144MHz UKAC contest on Tuesday 7th September at 8pm. The location to be finalised next Thursday. The following Tuesday is the 432Mhz contest if anyone is interested.
We have two very interesting speakers coming to talk to us in the very near future, one takes a very futuristic almost ‘Tomorrow’s World’ look at radio and the other is the exact opposite being a look at the history of radio with some very interesting Welsh connections!! The dates are being finalised as we speak, so please watch the site for full details.
A trip is being organised to the National Hamfest on Friday 1st October, If you are interested in attending, please drop an email or let Mark or Rob know.