Message from the RSGB Regional Manager Region 6

Hi All
Having had a few issues with the RSGB system, I’m sending this direct from my personal email address.I’ll sort it out later. A hectic week sending last minute parcels to my family due to the changes in Covid circumstances. I’m sure many of you will have had to make last minute changes too.We are coming to the end of a challenging year which has seen many clubs use virtual methods of keeping in contact with Zoom meetings,outdoors (socially distanced) activities including SES’s and virtual talks. Obviously, this looks like continuing into 2021 but, with vaccines on the horizon , hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel.We also welcome a new (revived) club into RSGB. Rhyl and District ARC have recently become affiliated and I wish them  all the very best for the future and look forward to them taking part in joint Club activities. So, I send my very best wishes to you all for Christmas and for a better New Year 2021. Please distribute this to your members via your websites and Club Facebook pages.I have decided to stand for the post of Regional Representative for Region 6 North Wales. I was co-opted earlier this year but that only stands until the 2021 AGM of the Society. If I wish to continue in the role I need to stand for election. Once Christmas is over I shall be asking for 10 nominators so if you feel you can support me I would be grateful.The procedure is done on line and any nominators must be members of RSGB. If there are multiple candidates there will be a formal election and I would appreciate you asking your members to vote. Voters also need to be members of RSGB. Thank you.It just remains for me to say Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
73 Liz (Cabban) GW0ETU