NWRS Members’ Christmas Buffet

NWRS Christmas Buffet Thursday 14th December 7pm for 7.30 – well, it’s that time of the year, yes you know you love it?!!?

Here at the crow’s nest, high up in the ramparts of BVUK, the catering elfs will have been busy. The usual generous portions will be made available, yes you’ve guessed it – ‘half a sandwich and a quarter of a sausage roll’…

Martinis and merriment aside (!), all breathing members of the committee, and those of us that are awake, cordially invite you to our 2017 Xmas bash. Tea and coffee will be available, but don’t let us stop you with any ancillary festive tipples!

See you there, but have budgeted for approximately 15 on the night (based on what we did last year), so first-come first-served chaps.